Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ultra-Marathoning for Funraising and Commitment

Dear ALMas Redership,

I, Marvin Espinoza, ALMas blogger, will be running the October 2013 Des Plaines, IL 50 mile ultra-marathon to fundraise for ALMas.

Yes.  That's right.

I'll soon have a fundraising site for it, for you all to see.  And I'll be listing workouts on my marathon blog, too!


Sincerely, and with love,
Marvin Espinoza

Monday, February 11, 2013

Book Strategy

As seed capital, the book donations from Robert-Leslie Publishing are going to be critical to get books for our program and children.

Through our UChicago alum contact in Milet Publishing, Pete Beatty, I've just sent him a message asking if he can forward along our orgnaization's information to the appropriate higher ups at Milet Publishing (because contacting them through their "Contact Us" e-mail is just getting lost in the e-mails of thousands of others).

But we're ready to roll!

I'll be contact two more publishing houses today and tomorrow.  We're getting there!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Catherine Corr: Our Official Educational Consultant!


It's official!

Catherine Corr, PhD Candidate in Early Childhood Education at UIC, is our educational consultant!

We even made it on her CV!  That's big!

She has been such a huge resource and friend not just for me, but for ALMas and our work.

Thank you, Catherine!
